January Online Auction (Sale #326)
Lot 1:
Chinese Pith Painting Assortment
(6) gouache on pith items depicting various types of punishment, torture and execution that were current in China during the 19th century, uniformly matted behind glass in wood frames retaining New York Frame and Picture Company, New York labels verso
Property from: a Private Collector, Chicago (Lake View), Illinois
Height: 7 inches, Width: 12 inches (sight, each)
Frame Size: 11 1/2 inches by 16 1/2 inches
Condition: no damage to artwork noted, occasional slight warping of pith, mats toned and having occasional light discoloration, frames having light wear
Disclaimers: not examined out of the frames
Category: Asian Arts > Asian Arts
Estimated Sale Time: 10:00 am CST
Shipping Status:
Shipping Quote
Last modified: January 8, 2025, 10:11 pm
no damage to artwork noted, occasional slight warping of pith, mats toned and having occasional light discoloration, frames having light wear
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